— Blog —
my thoughts, reflections, ideas and inspirations.
"Self-promotion" doesn't have to suck
Thoughts on that pessimistic Vox article on making a living from a creative pursuit
My 2023 year in review
Documenting my thoughts here about running a content marketing thing in the year of the content recession and leaner times (and layoff galore) in B2B tech.
The best restaurants have simple menus. Why?
Lessons from sushi and chendol on adding things isn’t always the best way forward to grow your business
What do anxiety and short attention spans mean for content marketing?
Reflections on publishing content and doing content marketing
Reflections on my 2nd year in business
Reflections on a 2nd year as a self-employed business owner
Content marketing in lean times
'Doing more with less' is 2023's version of 2020's 'the new normal'. How do you really 'do more with less' in content marketing?
Slow thinking vs sensationalisation
How to not get sucked into sensationalism and why it’s important for people who deal in any form of communications or content
What is thought leadership content, exactly?
Thought leadership - we hear the term used all the time, but what does it mean? My stab at defining this term
Answering the ‘So What’ question in your content
Every piece of content needs to answer the ‘So What’ question for your audience. Tips and resources to help you answer that question here
What 2018 Joshua wished he knew about content repurposing
Repurposed content = make your content work harder = less frazzled content marketer. Here’s an easy way to get started
10 evergreen resources for SaaS content marketers to level up their skills
I’ve compiled some of my favourite resources and thought leaders I read regularly to keep up with the exciting world of content marketing.